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Business plan "Crowdfunding site" (артикул: 21558 29559)

Дата выхода отчета: 13 Октября 2014
География исследования: Россия
Период исследования: 2014г.
Количество страниц: 47
Язык отчета: Английский
Способ предоставления: электронный

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  • Полное описание отчета

    Adaptation of this business plan is possible for similar project around the world.


     Business Plan Description

    Project idea. The proposed site will be involved in the field of crowdfunding. The crowdfunding is fundraising in the form of small contributions from a large number of people for implementation of some project or idea. But crowdfunding is just one part of the concept. The project also will be implemented in such directions as traveling together to help people in need and building community with likeminded people. 

     Business Model. About 5% of raising money will be deducted for organizers of fundrising. But it’s free to sign up, to ask for help, and to contribute to help.

     Market Analysis. There are four types of segments in crowdfunding market. They are: charity, bonus, equity and debt. Proposed project will belong to charity model. It is important to notice that such type of crowdfunding collects the largest sums of money: 27% of sites are working on charity base and collect 49% of all funds.

    There are more than 1 500 crowdfunding platforms in the world. The most of them – 82% – is based in North America, another 10% – in Europe and the rest – in other regions.

    The average size of donation is about $75. The total volume of all segments of crowdfunding market is more than $5 bln. with the growth rate of 89% in 2013.

     Competitive Environment. The most serious competitors are following:


    Number of projects

    Sum of fundraising

    Compete Rank / US Alexa Rank


    300 thsd. projects

    About $450 mln.

    428 / 344


    70 thsd. creative projects

    $1 bln.

    871 / 358


    140 thsd.  projects

    $100 mln.

    973 / 799



    products delivered

    1,086 / 628


    Other popular crowdfuning sites are characterized by such investment:





    $21.9 mln.


    $50 thsd.


    $16.4 mln.


    $2.5 mln.


    $17.1 mln.


    $7.8 mln.


     Marketing Plan. Such marketing tools as advertising in YouTube, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Optimization, Search Engine Optimization and writing of articles for blogs will be used. The budget for marketing will be about $10 800 per month. 

     Organizational Plan. It is planned to involve 5 employees except СEO: financial director, web-programmer, web-designer, social media marketer, specialist in users relations. The payroll expenses will amount 13 000 per month.Financial Plan. Indicators of project economic efficiency look as follows:


    Financial Indicators



    Revenue for 3 Years of Project Implementation


    2 985 000

    Necessary Investment


    164 650

    Net Income for 3 Years of Project Implementation


    2 068 500



    1 544 486

    IRR monthly



    IRR annual



    Payback Period



    Discounted Payback Period




    Excerpts from Research

    The proposed site will have the following particularities:

    Gathering money for people in need. It will contain pictures and the pages of all the people who have participated and helped will come up on the top).

    Video response from the people who have received the help and their gratitude to everyone who have helped up on the page.

    Everyone has his profile with his mission and vision he has for his life and how he wants to help the world.

    Building of community of likeminded people.

    Place for some positive news, inspiration, coming together and helping each other.

    The «successful» money in such field of business means that the projects have reached their funding goals. The part of charity segment of crowdfunding market is one of the leaders by the percentage of «successful» money: it ammounts about **% and is second only to debt segment (**%).

    But on the other hand, the growth rate of equity and bonus crowdfunding have increased by ***%, debt crowdfunding – by **% and charity crowdfunding – by **%.

     The competitive advantages of proposed site are the following:

    it will coverage the users from all the world. It means that people from any country could initiate the fundraising for solving their problems as well as make donations for people in need;

    it will combine fundraising both for solving personal problems (for example to collect money for treatment) and with commercial aims (to create a start-up);

    greater number of allowed fields in which financing will be started.

    the lower fee in comparison with competitors. 

    Crowdfunding sites in general are popular among Internet users and that’s why they have high positions in Compete Rank and Alexa Rank. So it is particularly necessary to carry out SEO to increase the number of visitors gradually since the initial stage of project implementation and to become comparable in this way with main players in the market.

    The most successful projects are those which have managed to touch people's feelings. That’s why the social media marketing will be especially pertinent. This circumstance commits to create own groups in social networks and make post in thematic publics. The Internet-statistics show that the most of users visit the crowdfunding platforms immediately after the visiting of such sites as facebook.com and twitter.com. Because of it the particular attention must be given to the social networks with the same name.The one’s more recommend marketing tool is an advertising on YouTube. It is explained by such fact that video ads in You Tube will be available on the computer as well as on the tablet and smartphone, the advertising is super accurate targeted and aimed for thinking audience(55% – from 35 to 65 years, 42% – up to 35 years).

  • Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта

    Confidentiality Agreement 2


    Сontant 3


    List of Diagrams, Tables and Charts 4


    Executive Summary 6


    1.0. Project Description 8


    1.1. Site Functional 8


    1.2. Site Particularities 8


    1.3. Project Business Model 8


    1.4. Advantages for People in Need 8


    2.0.Marketing Analysis 9


    2.1. Types of Market Segments 9


    2.2. Geographical Structure of Market 10


    2.3. Market Volume 11


    3.0. Competitive Environmental 12


    4.0. Marketing Plan 21


    5.0. Organizational Plan 25


    6.0. Financial Plan 26


    6.1. General Assumption 26


    6.2. Payroll Expenses 26


    6.3. Capital Expenditure 26


    6.4. Plan of Sales 26


    6.5. Revenue 27


    6.6. Variable Costs 27


    6.7. Fixed Costs 27


    6.8. Profit and Loss Statement 27


    6.9. Cash Flow Statement 29


    6.10. Financial Indicators 29


    7.0. Sensibility Analysis 30


    7.1. Changing of Fee for Donation 30


    7.2. Changing in Capital Expenditure 32


    7.3. Changing in Discount Rate 34


    Appendix 1. Plan of Sales 36


    Appendix 2. Volume of Sales 37


    Appendix 3. Revenue 38


    Appendix 4. Variable Costs 39


    Appendix 5. Fixed Costs 40


    Appendix 6. Profit and Loss Statement 41


    Appendix 7. Cash Flow Statement 43



  • Перечень приложений



    Table 1. Comparison of Crowdfunding Types 9


    Table 2. GoFundMe (www.gofundme.com) 12


    Table 3. Kickstarter (www.kickstarter.com) 13


    Table 4. Indiegogo (www.indiegogo.com) 14


    Table 5. Teespring  (www.teespring.com) 15


    Table 6. YouCaring  (www.youcaring.com) 16


    Table 7. Causes  (www.causes.com) 17


    Table 8. GiveForward (www.giveforward.com) 17


    Table 9. Patreon  (www.patreon.com) 18


    Table 10. CrowdRise (www.crowdrise.com) 18


    Table 11. Fundly (www.fundly.com) 19


    Table 12. Sites People Visited Immediately before Competitor Sites 22


    Table 13. Keywords from Search Engines of Competitors Sites 23


    Table 14. Current Teams of Crowdfunding Platforms* 25


    Table 15. Salary Fund 25


    Table 16. General Assumption 26


    Table 17. Payroll Expenses 26


    Table 18. Capital Expenditure 26


    Table 19. Plan of Sales 26


    Table 20. Revenue 27


    Table 21. Variable Costs 27


    Table 22. Fixed Costs 27


    Table 23. Profit and Loss Statement 27


    Table 24. Cash Flow Statement 29


    Table 25. Financial Indicators 29


    Table 26. Sensitivity Analysis of Changes in Fee for Donations 30


    Table 27. Sensitivity Analysis of Changes in Capital Expenditure 32


    Table 28. Sensitivity Analysis of Changes in Discount Rate 34


    Table 29. Plan of Sales 36


    Table 30. Volume of Sales 37


    Table 31.  Revenue 38


    Table 32. Variable Costs 39


    Table 33. Fixed Costs 40


    Table 34. Profit and Loss Statement 41


    Table 35. Cash Flow Statement 43  



    Chart 1. Percentage of «successful» Money by Market Segments 10


    Chart 2. Market Volume Dynamics 11


    Chart 3. Strategic Canvas of Crowdfunding Sites 20


    Chart 4. Revenue and EBITDA Dynamics, USD 28


    Chart 5. Net Profit Dynamics, USD 28


    Chart 6. Net Profit Dynamics due to Changes in Fee for Donations, USD 30


    Chart 7. NPV Dynamics due to Changes in Fee for Donations, USD 31


    Chart 8. IRR annual Dynamics due to Changes in Fee for Donations, % 31


    Chart 9. Payback Period Dynamics due to Changes in Fee for Donations, months 32


    Chart 10. Discounted Payback Period Dynamics due to Changes in Fee for Donations, months 32


    Chart 11. NPV Dynamics due to Changes in Capital Expenditures, USD 33


    Chart 12. IRR annual Dynamics due to Changes in Capital Expenditures, % 33


    Chart 13. Payback Period Dynamics due to Changes in Capital Expenditure, months 34


    Chart 14. NPV Dynamics due to Changes in Discount Rate, USD 34


    Chart 15. Discounted Payback Period Dynamics due to Changes in Discount Rate, months 35



    Diagram 1. Funds Raised Structure by Market Segments 9


    Diagram 2. Funds Raised Structure by Regions 10

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