List of schedules:
Schedule 1. Dynamics of resident population number of Russia in 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2008-2012, ths people
Schedule 2. Dynamics of population of Russia in three forecast variants in 2011-2031, ths people
Schedule 3. Dynamics of actual household disposable income of population and annual rate of growth in 2000-2012, %
Schedule 4. Dynamics of demographic load coefficient in three forecast variants in 2011-2031
Schedule 5. Dynamics of share of the unemployed in economically active population by federal districts of RF in 2006-2012, %
Schedule 6. Dynamics of GDP of Russia in prices of 2008 in 2002-2012 and forecast for2013-2015, billion rubles
Schedule 7. Investments into the fixed capital of RF in 2002-2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, billion rubles
Schedule 8. Dynamics of surplus/deficit of consolidated budget of RF in 2006-2012, % of GDP
Schedule 9. Dynamics of total external debt of RF and its share in GDP in 2009-2013 (as for 1 January), mln dollars
Schedule 11. Dynamics of population of Russia and world in 2000-2012 and forecast up to 2100, mln people
Schedule 12. Share of RF in the world GDP in 2001-2012 and forecast for 2013-2016, %
Schedule 13. Dynamics of freights transportations market volume by marine transport of Russia in 2009-2013*, ths rubles
Schedule 14. Dynamics of prices for oil in 2000 - August 2013, dollar/barrel
Schedule 15. Dynamics of areas of commissioned industrial constructions, and residential houses and hostels in RF in 2003-2012, ths sq meters of total area
Schedule 16. Dynamics of the length of inland waterways of Russia in 2009-2012, ths km
Schedule 17. Dynamics of the length of inland waterways with secured size of navigable channel of Russia in 2009-2012, km
Schedule 18. Share of IWW with secured size of navigable channel on IWW in general by federal districts in 2012, %
Schedule 19. Dynamics of freights transportations volume by all types of transport in general in Russia in 2008-2013*, mln tons
Schedule 20. Dynamics of freights turnover on all transport means in Russia in 2001-2013*, billion t/km
Schedule 21. Dynamics of the world merchant fleet tonnage in 1980-2013, ths tons DW
Schedule 22. Dynamics of total number of sea and river fleet of Russia by years in 2008-2013 (as of the beginning of the year), units
Schedule 23. Dynamics of total number and tonnage of transport fleet, controlled by the Russian Federation, in 2001-2014* (as of the beginning of the year), units
Schedule 24. Dynamics of volumes of freights transportations of water transport enterprises in 2003-2012, mln tons
Schedule 25. Dynamics of volumes of freights transportations by fleet controlled by Russia, by years in 2001-2013*, mln tons
Schedule 26. Dynamics of volumes of freights transportations of water transport enterprises in 2003-2012, mln tons
Schedule 27. Dynamics of freights turnover by inland water transport in 2003-2012, mln tons
Schedule 28. Dynamics of Russian transshipment in 2001-2013, mln tons
Schedule 29. Dynamics transshipment volumes in river ports of Russia in 2003-2013*, mln tons
Schedule 30. Dynamics of passenger transportations volume by marine transport in RF in 2001-2012mln people
Schedule 31. Dynamics of passenger turnover of sea transport in Russia in 2001-2011, billion pass/km
Schedule 32. Dynamics of passenger transportations volume by inland water transport and freights turnover in 2003-2012
Schedule 33. Dynamics of Russian transshipment in 2001-2013, mln tons
Schedule 34. Dynamics of the volume of sea and river freights transportations in 2007-2013* and forecast for 2014-2016, mln tons
Schedule 35. Dynamics of passenger transportations by sea and river transport in 2001-2013*and forecast for 2014-2016, mln people
Schedule 36. Dynamics of transshipment in sea ports of Russia in 2007-2013*and forecast for 2014-2016, ths tons
List of diagrams:
Diagram 1. Structure of population of Russia by working age in 2011-2031, % (average forecast variant)
Diagram 2. Dynamics of the number of employed and unemployed people in Russia in 2000-2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, mln people
Diagram 3. Change of external debt structure of RF in 2009-2013 (as for 1 January), %
Diagram 4. Change of freights transportations structure by types of transport in physical terms in 2008-2012, %
Diagram 5. Change of structure of freights turnover by types of transport in physical terms in 2008-2012, %
Diagram 6. Change of structure freights arrival to sea ports by different types of transport in 2009-2012, %
Diagram 7. Change of structure freights departure from sea ports by different types of transport in 2009-2012, %
Diagram 8. Change of structure of merchant marine by types of vessels in 1980-2013, % of total tonnage
Diagram 9. Structure Russian water transport by types of navigation in 2013, %
Diagram 10. Structure of fleet under foreign fleet, controlled by Russia, by countries in 2013, %
Diagram 11. Structure of domestic tonnage by vessels purpose in 2013, %
Diagram 12. Structure of domestic tonnage by vessels purpose in 2013, %
Diagram 13. Structure of river fleet by types of objects (as of 02.03.2013), %
Diagram 14. Structure of tonnage of river fleet by types of objects (as of 02.03.2013), %
Diagram 15. Age structure of river fleet of RF (as of 01.01.2013), %
Diagram 16. Structure of freights transportations by water transport by types of vessels in 2013*, %
Diagram 17. Change of structure of freights transportations by fleet controlled by Russia, by types of control in 2001-2012, %
Diagram 18. Dynamics of transportation volumes by fleet controlled by Russia, by types by years in 2001-2012, mln tons
Diagram 19. Change of structure of international transportations by types in 2009-2012, %
Diagram 20. Structure of freights turnover on inland water transport by the main types of freights in 2012, %
Diagram 21. Structure of transshipment complexes by classes of freights in 2013*, %
Diagram 22. Change of structure of transshipment in Russian sea ports by commodity groups in 2003-2013*, %
Diagram 23. Change of transshipment in Russian sea ports by the main goods of extended commodity nomenclature in 2007-2012, %
Diagram 24. Change of freights structure by directions in 2011-2012, %
Diagram 25. Change of structure of transshipment by extended freights nomenclature in 2011-2012, %
Diagram 26. Change of structure of passenger transportations under the Russian flag by regions in 2007-2012, %
Diagram 27. Structure of Russian ships arrival by types of navigation (by number of ships) in 2012, %
Diagram 28. Structure of passenger transportations by inland water transport by regions in 2012, %
Diagram 29. Structure of transshipment complexes by classes of freights in 2013*, %
Diagram 30. Structure of transshipment by commodity groups in ports of Baltic countries and Ukraine in 2013*, %
Diagram 31. Change of structure of transshipment in Russian sea ports by commodity groups in 2003-2013*, %
Diagram 32. Change of transshipment in Russian sea ports by the main goods of extended commodity nomenclature in 2007-2012, %
List of tables:
Table 1. Number of population in largest cities of Russia according to Census of 2002 and 2010 and as for January1, 2013, ths people
Table 2. Length of inland waterways of Russia by federal districts in 2009-2012, ths km
Table 3. Length of inland waterways of Russia in 2009-2012, ths km
Table 4. Availability of IWW with secured size of navigable channel by federal districts in 2009-2012, km
Table 5. Availability of IWW with secured size of navigable channel by regions in 2009-2012, km
Table 6. Volume of freights transportation in Russia by types of transport in 2001-2012, mln tons
Table 7. Freights turnover by types of transport in 2001-2012, billion tons/km
Table 8. Arrival and departure of freights in sea ports (from sea ports) of Russia by different types of transport for dispatching by sea in 2009-August 2013, ths tons
Table 9. Rates of duties for the vessel registration in the Russian international register of vessels
Table 10. Rates of duties for annual confirmation of vessel registration in the Russian international Register of Vessels
Table 11. Transport fleet, registered in the Russian international Register of Vessels in July 2013
Table 12. Largest operating companies of sea fleet transport vessels in Russia by deadweight
Table 13. Parameters of sea transport fleet, controlled by Russia in 2008-2013
Table 14. Average age of vessels of sea transport fleet, controlled by Russia, in 2007-2013, years
Table 15. Composition of sea fleet, controlled by Russia, by purpose in 2013, %
Table 16. Dynamics of river fleet availability in Russia during 2008-2013
Table 17. Objects of river fleet, registered in the River Register of RF in February 2013
Table 18. Largest enterprises by proceeds from sales by type of activity «Activity of water transport (61)» in 2009-2012, ths rubles
Table 19. Parameters of Russian companies, engaged in passenger transportations, in 2007-2012
Table 20. Volumes of freights transportations in 2003-September 2013, mln tons
Table 21. Information about interport freight transportations by marine transport, ths tons
Table 22. Volume of freights transportation and freights turnover by inland water transport in 2007-2012
Table 23. Information about regional and interregional freight transportations on inland water transport in 2009-2012, tons
Table 24. Volumes of transshipment in Russian ports according to the expanded nomenclature in 2007-2012, ths tons
Table 25. Largest marine ports by volumes of transshipment in 2007-2012, ths tons.
Table 26. Volume of transshipment in river ports according to the expanded nomenclature and by directions in 2011-September 2013
Table 27. Volume of passenger transportations and passenger turnover of sea transport fleet under Russian flag in 2007-2012 by federal districts, people, pass/km
Table 28. Volume of passenger transportations and passenger turnover of sea transport fleet under Russian flag by regions in 2009-2012
Table 29. Declared passenger turnover of sea transport moorings in Russia and actual use in 2012, ths people
Table 30. Information about departure and arrival of marine vessels by vessel flags nationality on sea transport in 2012
Table 31. Volumes of passenger transportations by inland water transport and passenger turnover in 2003-September 2013
Table 32. Volumes of passenger transportations by inland water transport by regions in 2012, people
Table 33. Volumes of transshipment through Russian and foreign ports in 2006-June 2013, mln tons
Table 34. Volumes of transshipment in Russian ports according to the expanded nomenclature in 2007-2012, ths tons
Table 35. Largest marine ports by volumes of transshipment in 2007-2012, ths tons.
Table 36. Shareholders/founders of «SAKHMP» JSC
Table 37. Subsidiaries of «SAKHMP» JSC
Table 38. Balance sheet of «SAKHMP» JSC, ths rubles
Table 39. Profit and loss statement of «SAKHMP» JSC, ths rubles
Table 40. Cash flow statement of «SAKHMP» JSC, ths rubles
Table 41. Financials of «SAKHMP» JSC
Table 42. Shareholders/founders of «DVMP» JSC
Table 43. Subsidiaries of «DVMP» JSC
Table 44. Balance sheet of «DVMP» JSC, ths rubles
Table 45. Profit and loss statement of «DVMP» JSC, ths rubles
Table 46. Cash flow statement of «DVMP» JSC, ths rubles
Table 47. Financials of «DVMP» JSC
Table 48. Shareholders/founders of «MMP» JSC
Table 49. Subsidiaries of «MMP» JSC
Table 50. Balance sheet «MMP» JSC, ths rubles
Table 51. Profit and loss statement «MMP» JSC, ths rubles
Table 52. Cash flow statement «MMP» JSC, ths rubles
Table 53. Financials of «MMP» JSC
Table 54. Shareholders/founders of «Yyeniseyskoe rechnoe Parokhodstvo» JSC
Table 56. Balance sheet of «YYENISEYSKOE RECHNOE PAROKHODSTVO» JSC, ths rubles
Table 57. Profit and loss statement of «YYENISEYSKOE RECHNOE PAROKHODSTVO» JSC, ths rubles
Table 58. Cash flow statement of «YYENISEYSKOE RECHNOE PAROKHODSTVO» JSC, ths rubles
Table 60. Shareholders of «LORP» JSC
Table 61. Subsidiaries of «LORP» JSC
Table 62. Balance sheet of «LORP» JSC, ths rubles
Table 63. Profit and loss statement of «LORP» JSC, ths rubles
Table 64. Cash flow statement of «LORP» JSC, ths rubles
Table 65. Financials of «LORP» JSC